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- Scheduled Maintenance 2/5/24 - ThreePBX Customer Portal v1 |
Scheduled Maintenance 2/5/24 - ThreePBX Customer Portal v1 |
- Updated: 2/5/23 1:42pm est
| | Event Description: SSL Upgrade | Event Start Time: 2024-02-05 8:00 AM EST End Time: 2024-02-05 1:22 PM EST | Maintenance Ticket #: CWST7025 | Applications Affected: •
Reason for Maintenance Updating SSL Certificate
Expected Impact
| NSA- Non Service Affecting | | SA (Service Affecting) |
| PSA - High (Possibly Service Affecting w/ high probability of customer impact) | x | PSA - Low (Possibly Service Affecting w/low probability of customer impact) |
Kindly be advised that THREE PBX performed a routine scheduled maintenance. Currently, all systems are back up and operational. If you experience any issues, please email |
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- Updated: 2/5/23 @8:00pm est
Maintenance has begun
- Updated: 2/4/23 @8:52pm est
| | Event Description: SSL Upgrade | Event Start Time: 2024-02-05 8:00 AM EST Anticipated End Time: 24 Hours | Maintenance Ticket #: CWST7025 | Applications Affected: •
Reason for Maintenance Updating SSL Certificate
Expected Impact • SA (Service Affecting)
This is a notification that the Development Team will be performing an SSL Certificate server update. During the time of scheduled maintenance, you will have limited access to the ThreePBX Portal
Note: All ThreePBX services will resume with no interruption except for the ThreePBX Portal
A confirmation email will follow once the maintenance window is complete.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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