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[Customer Notification]: Important A2P/10DLC Information | Published 10/24/2024

Dear Valued Partner, 

We are writing to inform you of changes to SMS Services vetting requirements. Starting this week, if you currently have SMS services enabled with your plan, you will be required to fill out a A2P/10DLC form.  new you will be asked to provide more details on your campaign submission.  


What is happening? 

Examples of changes being made: 

Instead of expecting websites to have a Privacy Policy, as outlined in the CTIA’s Messaging Principles and Best Practices, the DCA is now asking for a link to the online Policy to be provided (or the policy to be uploaded).  
 Instead of expecting the CTA/ Message Flow to include details about how consumers consent to receive text messages, they are now asking for specific details to be called out in the campaign submission form.  

Required Action – please fill out the SMS compliance form A2P/10DLC REGISTRATION FORM BY CLICKING HERE 
 How can I get more information?

We understand that change is challenging, and that's why we are here to help support you through this transition. To this end, we have updated our Knowledge Base documentation. 

 Thank you,